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Logging in - EWA

Your Administrator will be able to tell you the web address of the WebMail system, or if you have an intranet system, they may have provided a link to it there. 

To log on to the WebMail system browse to the WebMail site:

Enter your username and password, and click 'Log in'

You may select between Public and Personal computers usage.

In both cases a session-cookie is used.  However, in the "personal"
computer option a second cookie with login credentials is also
used which allows the user to automatically login again even if the
session expires.  This cookie has a 1-year validity.

If Mailtraq detects that you are using IE6 or above it will default to
use 'Enhanced' or EWA webmail - other browsers will only be offered Standard webmail

The Administrator can set the system to only offer Standard webmail,
and which is offered by default so if you expect to see EWA and it is not there, check with your Admin.


 If your details were accepted, you will now see your Inbox:


When you are done it is good practice to 'Log out', by going to the toolbar, File menu and selecting [Log out] from the drop down list.




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