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Mail Groups

The Mail Group Properties dialog is used to configure mail groups in Mailtraq.  They can be created by choosing Groups | New | Mail Group from the Console tree and configured by choosing Properties from the context menu of any mail group in the Console. Mail groups appear in the console as Folders.

Mailboxes can be assigned to a Mail Group during creation, or dragged into position later.

A mail group enables related mailslots to be grouped together logically with the additional benefit of group accounting facilities which act on all mailslots in each group. Group accounting enables a wide range of mailbox parameters, quantity and volume of mail stored for example, to be controlled and reported at regular intervals.

Mailboxes not Users
Note that you are working in the Mailboxes/Mailslots part of the Tree - not the Users section. See image to the right.


The Root Mail Group is accessed at
Options | Incoming Mail | Options-tab


The hierarchical nature of mail groups allows mail groups to be organised into major groups and sub groups. Sub groups optionally inherit the mailbox accounting settings of their parent group.

Usage Reporting

Mailbox usage statistics are displayed in the Console right-pane when the Mail Group folder is selected in the tree-view.







Columns to view can be adjusted from the main menu: View | Configure Columns





Mail Group Tab
This tab, which appears on the Mail Group Properties dialog, configures the name and description of the mail group and enables Mailtraq's mailbox accounting facilities.

Mail Group
Enter a suitable name into the Mail Group edit box. Mailslots will be shown in the console as branching from the Mail Group object.

Enter a suitable description for the Mail Group into the Description edit box. This description will appear on mailbox accounting statements.

[x] Enable Mailbox Accounting
If this option is enabled Mailtraq provides mailbox accounting reports for all the mailslots in this group at regular intervals.
Enabling this option also reveals the Accounting and Mailboxes Tabs.

End Accounting Period
Click End Accounting Period, which is available only if mailbox accounting is enabled, to prompt Mailtraq to create an immediate mailbox accounting report and to reset the accounting period of the mail group.

See also: Accounting Tab, Mailboxes Tab & Maintenance Tab


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